SANUS HEALTH takes pride in its efforts to direct our clients’ members to providers who participate in The SANUS HEALTH Network. We use a variety of measures to make members aware of the hospitals, primary care physicians, specialists, freestanding X-ray, ambulatory surgery centers and other types of ancillary health care professionals that are available.
Sanus Health channels members to network providers when they contact us by telephone. Provider information also is made available in print and through access to electronic directories when compatible/available:
- Sanus is a U.S. based Health Claims Administrator with an extensive US network
- U.S. Network scope includes access to more than 465,000 provider locations across all 50 states and the District of Columbia
- A high provider retention rate year after year—95 percent of doctors and 98 percent of hospitals choose to remain in network on average
- Careful credentialing and monitoring of network providers conducted, including verification of hospital accreditation status
- Direct contracting with individual providers to ensure network stability and consistency across the provider range
- In addition, participating providers have 24 hour access to our provider referral service so they can refer members to participating hospitals, specialists and ancillary health providers when medically appropriate.
SANUS HEALTH requires that The SANUS HEALTH Network be referenced on member ID cards, on group health explanations of benefits and carrier referral sheets. We also require our clients to utilize benefit plan incentives to encourage the use of contracted providers and we provide members, communication materials that clearly outline the advantages of using network providers.
SANUS HEALTH clients who have access to the network include various group health, managed care and compensation payers such as:
- National and International employers
- National and International Insurance carriers
- National and International Third Party Administrators (TPA’s)
We offer value to our network clients by prospectively channeling members through a variety of means, including:
- Requiring benefit plan incentives
- Telephonic and site provider directories
- Communication materials
- I.D. cards
- Redirection if required during the utilization management process
- Hassle-free administrative procedures
- Standardized billing statements.
- An Experienced clinical management staff of medical professionals
- Professional provider relations unit to assist network providers and help resolve issues quickly